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Welcome to the Adirondack Community Recreation Alliance

We are a group of community leaders, outdoor enthusiasts and local entrepreneurs dedicated to enhancing and developing recreation assets, increasing region-wide stewardship, and advancing policies to secure long-lasting community and economic benefits for Adirondack towns and villages.


The Adirondack Community Recreation Alliance (ACRA) first convened in the fall of 2018, inspired by the ways that new forms of recreation and targeted investments in recreational infrastructure have transformed rural economies. Drawing lessons from places that had achieved new vitality pursuing recreation as an economic driver, we developed a list of eight principles that these successful communities seemed to have in common. 

Our goal now is to promote these principles and adapt them to our Adirondack communities, advocate for public investment in recreational infrastructure, seek legislative protection for landowners who open their properties to community recreation, and provide tools and resources to towns and villages interested in learning more.

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